Monday 27 March 2017

I Will Leave If Abuja Airplane terminal Is Not Revived Following A month and a half – Aeronautics Serve

THE Priest of State for Aeronautics, Representative Hadi Sirika, has announced that he would leave if the repair of Nnamdi Azikiwe Universal Airplane terminal (NAIA) runway was not finished and revived in a month and a half as arranged.

He talked nearby Pastor of Data, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, on Monday who blamed a few people for spreading deception about the repair.

The couple talked this evening at an extraordinary session of Aeronautics Round Table, (Workmanship) held in Lagos, including that it was not genuine the work has been broadened.

Sirika said he couldn't take a choice influencing the lives of more than 150 million Nigerians and disillusion them toward the day's end.

It will be reviewed that the National Government had closed down the Abuja airplane terminal with impact from Walk 7 while Abuja bound activity was occupied to Kaduna Universal Air terminal.


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